Monday, July 23, 2007

Sharing skills

Yes, the trip went well. I will try to post about that later... For now I wanted to comment on the Wonder Twin's 4 month check up.

Both are right on schedule. Zane can help pull himself to standing. Bree can roll over. Both are growing well... both are learning to self soothe by sticking their hands in their mouth... Zane a few finger... Bree the WHOLE fist! Bree is 12 pounds... Zane is 13.2. Zane is now 24 1/2 inches (Oh NO!... our car seats only go up to 27.5!). Bree is 22 3/4. They got their shots and are now snoozing away.

When we were waiting I laid them down, facing each other. I am always giving them chances to see each other. Generally, Zane likes to watch Bree. He smiles and coos at her. He sometimes giggles if she burps or hiccups. Bree sometimes glances at him, but generally looks around at other things she finds more interesting.

Today he was making some noises at her. So, she reached out and stuck her hand in his mouth. He sucked for awhile... then she pulled it out.

He decided he should also share his and stuck his right in her mouth. It was the cutest thing!

It is so nice that they are already working on their sharing skills... and I LOVE that they are thinking about others already! lol :)


Kerry Lynn said...

OMG! Too cute. Funny that M&J had their 4 month checkup today too AND Madison put her fingers in Jackson's mouth for the first time today!
They're just about the same weights too. Sounds like we're all on track :-)

Eva said...

Those are wonderful photos, they look so very cute!

Lesley Barr Photography said...

I found your site through Eva's comments and just wanted to say your babies are adorable. Congratulations!

Stacie said...

That is SO cute!

Anonymous said...

Good catch on the photo op there. They are sure WONDERFUL!

Ladiebug said...

AW!!!!! They are such happy twins :0)

insanemommy said...

Oh, they are cute!

Anonymous said...

I love these pics. They are soo cute. This will be a great story to tell them when they are fighting in the future.