Sunday, August 19, 2007

Just like Christmas!!!!

Twice a year our local Twins and Triplets group has a big consignment sale. I went for the first time on Friday night. I got so many clothes for Z and B. I was SO excited!!!! I think we are set for the next 6 months! I got around 75 items and spent around 150. If I had bought everything new it would have cost me tons!

I got 3 items that I am most proud of...

One, a new diaper bag. It is a backpack, like my old one... but is at least twice as big, as two more pockets AND has 4 bottle holders (two on the outside) rather than just the two on the inside that the old one had. I spent $15 on it, but would have spent $50 for this particular one in the store.

The second item was padding for the corners of our fireplace hearth. If I had bought these in the store the would have cost about $45 for the pieces we needed. I got them for $3!!!!!

Finally, my favorite piece was a winter coat for Z. It is a blue, corderoy, hooded, pea coat that is lined with flannel. It is SO cute and in SUCH good condition! I spent $8 on it. I'm sure it would have cost around $50 in the store!

I LOVE getting a good bargain!


MamaGeek @ Works For Us said...

Wow - what fun shopping!! And there's just SOMETHING about a new diaper bag!

Our bag is always overflowing. I wonder if its' twice as bad with twins?

Twinmommy2boys said...

My town does not have a multiples group, that I know of, I wish it did I would go to that sucker.

Ladiebug said...

Ah I love consignment shops! That is an awsome deal for the fireplace protector. I remember my sister complaining about how pricey hers were.