We had another ultrasound on Wednesday and found out that it is twins!!!! The dr. showed us that the second baby's gestational sac is small. So, he said that there is a change it may not make it. We should know within the next couple of weeks. I just want it to be OK. Now that I know there are two... I WANT two! I want both of them to be strong and healthy!
The babies were both the same size. Both heartbeat were very strong. So, all of that is promising.
For now we are calling them Zan and Jayna. Have you ever seen the "Wonder Twins"? The were super heros of long ago. They had a pet monkey named Gleek that got them into trouble. They are definately making us wonder! lol
Finally, my waist is expanding very quickly! I am already out of most of my own clothes... and I am only 8 1/2 weeks! lol I love feeling pregnant though. I actually love the fact that I am already having to wear maternity clothes.
It's really showing... my babies are growing and we really ARE on our way to being parents!!!!!!!! Yeah!!!!!
I'll try to post an u/s picture soon!